• Int’l collaboration with Kyoto Insitute of Technology

    Int’l collaboration with Kyoto Insitute of Technology

    Organized by Prof.Dr.Tetsuya Sato at Kyoto Institute of Technology, Prof.Suk has participated in a three-year international collaborative project, “Colour Cognition of Clothing Image on Online-Shop, and Tolerance of Colour Difference between The Image and Its Original Real Clothing” funded by the Japanese Society for Promotion of Science(JSPS) started in April 2019. Four countries including Japan,…

  • For your brilliant life

    For your brilliant life

    Invited by the Korea Society of Light and Visual Environment, Prof. Suk delivered a seminar talk, entitled as “For your brilliant life (빛나는 생활을 위하여)” to the members of the society. During her talk, some recent lighting studies of Color lab were introduced to demonstrate how we can enhance the emotional quality of everyday life.…

  • Color lab on Scientific Reports YouTube channel!

    Dr.Choi’s article in Scientific Reports entitled “Awakening effects of blue-enriched morning light exposure on university students’ physiological and subjective responses” has been selected as a highlight article by the journal and selected for marketing campaigns. A video abstract was produced and uploaded to the Scientific Reports YouTube channel. An interview with Dr. Kyungah Choi was also…

  • An invited seminar about color reproduction in virtual lip makeup by Meereh Kim

    Meereh Candice Kim, a researcher of Graduation School of Cultural Technology at KAIST delivered an invited talk about her master research(supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ji-Hyun Lee) entitled as, “Color Reproduction in Virtual Lip Makeup Using Convolutional Neural Networks”. Compared with conventional approaches such as regression models, the CNN could contribute to minimize the color difference between simulated color…

  • Color lab at IASDR2019, Manchester

    An IASDR, the largest biannual international conference of design was hosted by Manchester University of Arts this year. Color lab presented three original research articles, organized a design workshop, and chaired one session.

  • Two new members

    Welcome to Color lab! Aigerim from Kazakhstan majored in computer science and Qinyue from China majored in electrical engineering. They both have been looking for an outstanding design program to realize an interdisciplinary research synergy, and they found ID KAIST as the right place. Color lab welcomes new members and is truly globalized now!

  • New joint study published by Color Lab

    The recent research in Color Lab was reported in the press. The study entitled “Awakening effects of blue-enriched morning light exposure on university students’ physiological and subjective responses” published in the journal Scientific Reports, was introduced with the interviews with Prof. Hyeon-Jeong Suk and Dr. Kyungah Choi. In the study, we found that a blue-enriched…

  • Jinyoung & Taesu won the best paper award from the Ergonomics Society of Korea

    Jinyoung and Taesu received an best paper award in the Annual Conference of the Ergonomics Society of Korea held in Gyeongju, Korea. Jinyoung is an undergraduate intern of Color Lab and presented about her undergraduate research program(URP) entitled, “Passengers’ Activity Patterns and the Sitting Postures in Express Bus [고속 버스 탑승객의 행동 유형과 착석 자세…

  • A Fall Conference of Korean Society for Color Studies hosted by KAIST

    Prof. Suk and Prof. Kwak (UNIST) co-organised a Fall Conference of the Korean Society for Color Studies at KI Building on KAIST Campus. All members of color lab volunteered for paper presentations, staff services or both. In particular Juhee contributed to the visual communication including posters, banners, and booklets. Thanks all for your hard work!

  • Minsun is a Master of Science!

    Minsun Hong received a master of science with a thesis entitled, “Affective Image Quality for Sports Content”. Some practical insights regarding image quality on displays have led to this academic research begun. First, sports content is on live-broadcasting and there is a tendency to skip a detailed color correction process, even though the shooting is…

  • Yuchun, a Master of Science!

    Yuchun Yan is now a master of science! She submitted the thesis, entitled “Skin Balancing: Chromatic Adjustment of Multi-illuminant Portraits on One Scene using Facial Color to Reproduce Standard Image Quality”. She investigated the special situation when multiple portraits undue different scene illuminants gathered together and how people perceive the color difference in terms of…

  • Cosmax China invited Prof.Suk for a Technical Seminar Talk

    Cosmax China has invited Professor Suk for a seminar talk about “light, color, and beauty” in Shanghai, China. The biggest and best ODM based cosmetic product manufacturer, the Cosmax has a headquarter in South Korea and has expanded its business through the Cosmax China. The Cosmax China has held an international technical seminar twice a year, and…