Hyeonju joined us

Hyeonju joined us

Color lab welcomes a new member, Hyeonju Park. Hyeonju received a Bachelor of Science from the industrial design of KAIST in 2020. During the undergraduate program, she experienced diverse areas of design practice. Besides, she has been actively participating in extra curriculum activities, such as IoT product design, fintech system design, conversational agent design and so on. Currently, her research interest includes a user-friendly UX design and emotional satisfaction in the field of emerging technology.

// About the thumbnail image: It’s called “Lumin”, her undergraduate thesis project that keeps children safe from traffic danger. The novelty here is a dual approach being proactive and at the same time being passive. The Light module at the head and handle turns on automatically whenever “Lumin” is unfurled. Also, the light blinks and changes its hue characteristics corresponding to how a child holds it. “Lumin” enables drivers to recognize children more easily and more quickly.



