Color Lab comes together to explore and discover the colors of everyday objects. Through experiments and analyses, we examine their characteristics and their impact on people. Our goal is to make practical contributions to design practice, recognizing that color is an essential component of all creative work.
Here are the team members:

Hyeon-Jeong Suk [석현정]
Professor, Ph.D. in Psychology
KAIST(BSc, MSc), Univ. of Mannheim (Ph.D.)
#ColorPsychology #EmotionalDesign #Light #SkinColor #Data-driven

Byeongjin Kim [김병진]
Ph.D. Candidate
#Lighting #DesignMethods #ProductDesign #VR/AR

Heesoo Kim [김희수]
Master Student
Hongik Univ. (BFA)
#CMF #LightDesign #ProductDesign

Amina Rakhimzhanova [아미나 락힘츠하노바]
Master Student
Yonsei Univ. (BSc)
#ColorGraphics #VR

Hyerin Na [나혜린]
Undergraduate Intern
Industrial Design, KAIST
#PersonalColor #Illustration

Hyungseok Moon [문형석]
Undergraduate Intern
Brain&Bio Eng., KAIST
#SkinColor #CultureDiversity

Mina Choi [최미나]
Administration Staff