• How can we make persuasive presentation? The tips from Kyeong Ah

    Invited by the Department of Electrical Engineering(EE), KAIST, Kyeong Ah Jeong delivered a special lecture about ‘how to make a persuasive presentation (설득력 있는 프리젠테이션 만들기)’ for the  EE undergraduate students. During the lecture, she shared graphical tips to make an eye-catching presentation and some checklists for successful presentation preparation.

  • Yuchun won the best paper award!

    Yuchun Yan, a master student of Color lab won the best presentation award with an article entitled as “Color Mosaic: color sampling with automatic pixelation versus subjective selection.” Congratulations!

  • Color lab’s outreach service of colorimetry and statistics

    Since the AIC2017, the international color conference, Color lab has participated in color conferences not only with academic papers but also with its outreach service having an independent booth. On May 19th on the Spring conference of Korea Society of Color Studies, Color lab brought with various kinds of colorimetry equipment and offered statistical analysis…

  • A patent for the invention on image color correction using human sclera and pupil

    A patent for the invention with Estee Lauder Corporation has been registered at the Korean Intellectual Property Office. The patent is titled “System and method for correcting color of digital image based on the human sclera and pupil,” and is invented by Hayan Choi, Kyungah Choi, Hyeon-Jeong Suk, and Songyup Kim(Estee Lauder Corporation, New York). The…

  • A talk about KAIST Edu 4.0

    Organized by the KBS and KAIST, Prof. Suk delivered a talk about the Education 4.0 as an alternative teaching paradigm of university education. The Education 4.0 basically follows the frame of flipped learning, one of the well-known interactive teaching methods, but emphasizes a synergy between online lecture and offline interactions. As the 6th show of…

  • Dr. Kyungah Choi appointed research professor

    Kyungah Choi has been appointed a research assistant professor of the Industrial Design Department at KAIST. She has moved to a new office on the 2nd floor. As a research professor, she will serve the department and university in ways that demonstrate a clear commitment to students. Thanks for everyone’s support through the years and with the…

  • Color and success, Prof.Suk’s invited talk at MDC2018

    Invited by the MDC2018, 30th Mint Directors Conference, Prof.Suk gave a talk entitled as “Color and success”. Differently from her previous talks about color perception and visual ergonomics, she introduced some historic background about precious colors. For example, the pink versus blue dichotomy these days is strongly influenced by the commercial items such as Barbie dolls. In the…

  • Color Lab on air (YTN science)

    The YTN Science reported about “color (색(色), 그 풍요의 시대)”, covering both theory and practical application of color. The broadcasting station team contacted the Color lab, and the members participated in several interviews. We explained the process of perception and interpreting color, and in particular, we have introduced interesting examples of how lighting can express…

  • Congratulations on your graduation!

    Dr. Kyungah Choi and Dr. Eunjin Kim were awarded degrees at the 2018 commencement ceremony on February 23 at KAIST. Congratulations!  

  • Light in the eye of the beholder at Yeungnam University

    Dr. Kyungah Choi and Kyeong Ah Jeong were invited to give a talk about lighting design. The talk was hosted by the Automotive Lighting LED-IT Convergence Education at the Yeungnam University [영남대학교 자동차조명융합 전문인력양성 사업단]. They delivered a talk on how lighting should be designed to improve our daily lives. It was our great pleasure…

  • Kyeong Ah’s master thesis won the best paper award

    Kyeong Ah Jeong’s journal article is awarded the 2017 Best Paper Award from the Journal of Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility [감성과학]. The award-winning paper is entitled, “Affective Effect of Video Playback Style and its Assessment Tool Development [영상의 재생 스타일에 따른 감성적 효과와 감성 평가 도구의 개발]” and was published in 2016. The…

  • Eunjin’s final presentation about her dissertation

    Eunjin presented her doctoral dissertation entitled as, “Image-Color Harmony: Key Color Generation and Image Recoloring.” She attempted an interdisciplinary approach to synergize the technique of computational imaging and theory of color harmony toward a proposal of practical solutions. For example, when a corporate color is given, her algorithm retouches some colors within an image, so that…