Juhee Kim received her Master degree from KAIST, and the thesis is entitled, ” Prediction of the Emotions and Preference for Movie Poster Designs based on Graphical Features: A Machine Learning-driven Approach [영화 포스터 디자인에 대한 감정 및 선호도 예측: 그래픽 요소 기반 머신러닝 활용을 중심으로]”, the part of that was published in the Archives of Design Research(AoDR) in May 2020. The thesis is one of the first AI-driven researches in design practice and received great attention from industry. Indeed as of September, she starts her new career at LINE Plus Corporation, where she expects to continue the R&D about AI-driven graphical solutions. Congratulations on both her master’s degree and the new job! (And we hope she returns for the Ph.D. study, soon).