Byeongjin(병진) is back as a master student
Byeongjin joined the Color lab in Spring 2021. He recently received a Bachelor’s degree in Engineering from Electric Engineering and Computer Science of GIST(Gwangju Institute of Science and Technology). Additionally, he minored in psychology and participated in a psycholinguistics lab for a year. During the undergraduate study, he conveyed a language comprehension test using an…
Dr.Kyungah Choi is appointed as an assistant professor at Sungshin Women’s University
Congratulations! Dr. Kyungah Choi is appointed as an assistant professor by the Department of Service and Design Engineering(서비스 디자인 공학과) at Shungshin Women’s University. Based on her teaching, research, and practical experience at KAIST and Samsung Electronics, she will be a great leader in the education of convergent design, such as data-driven service design. As…
Gyunpyo(건표) joined Color Lab!
Gyunpyo joined the Color lab in Spring 2021. Before joining the Master’s program at KAIST, he worked as an automotive exterior designer for four years in Changan European Designing Center in Torino, Italy. During his four years in Changan, he participated in multiple production and concept vehicle design projects. He has a Bachelor of Fine…
Color lab’s research in KAIST archives
The award-winning research from Color Lab leaves a mark in KAIST archives and released on Youtube. The highlighted research is mainly related to the awakening effect of blue-enriched light led by the doctoral work of Dr. Kyungah Choi. In the Youtube video, Prof. Suk puts an emphasis on interdisciplinary collaboration to discover novel ideas and…
Selected as a Featured Cover of Color Research & Application Vol.45, issue 6
Juhee’s article about the effect of light chromaticity on the fabric style has been nominated and selected as a featured cover of the Color Research & Application, 45(6) : https://doi.org/10.1002/col.22537. Congratulations!
The Skintone Finder on YouTube
Amore Pacific launched the documentary video about the Skintone Finder, one of the outcomes from industry-academia collaboration with Color lab. The service consists of an apparatus that captures a target spot and an algorithm that analyzes the captured image to estimate the true color of the target spot. Colorlab owns the intellectual property registered in…
Welcome to Color lab!
Boram joined the Color lab in Fall 2020. She is a chemical engineer with professional experience at Samsung Electro-Mechanics for three years. During her undergraduate education at KAIST, she attended the essential design courses from ID to major it as her minor. She is highly motivated to learn and practice color research activities, which color…
Juhee became a Master of Science. Congrats!
Juhee Kim received her Master degree from KAIST, and the thesis is entitled, ” Prediction of the Emotions and Preference for Movie Poster Designs based on Graphical Features: A Machine Learning-driven Approach [영화 포스터 디자인에 대한 감정 및 선호도 예측: 그래픽 요소 기반 머신러닝 활용을 중심으로]”, the part of that was published in the Archives…
2019 Best 10 Research of KAIST
The color lab’s research on the effect of blue-enriched awakening light in the morning was selected as one of the Best 10 Research Cases of KAIST in 2019. It has been almost 10 years since that color lab has investigated the effect of nuanced white lighting on the human’s physiological and psychological responses. Luckily enough,…
Color lab in Scientific Reports Top 100 Collection
Our recent publication about awakening light in Scientific Reports is listed in the “Top 100 in Neuroscience” collection. This collection highlights the most downloaded neuroscience papers published in 2019. The article is entitled “Awakening effects of blue-enriched morning light exposure on university students’ physiological and subjective responses”, and Dr.Kyungah Choi is the first author. The…
Hyeonju joined us
Color lab welcomes a new member, Hyeonju Park. Hyeonju received a Bachelor of Science from the industrial design of KAIST in 2020. During the undergraduate program, she experienced diverse areas of design practice. Besides, she has been actively participating in extra curriculum activities, such as IoT product design, fintech system design, conversational agent design and…
Winter internship at Color lab
During the winter break, three undergraduate students joined the color lab as internship students. Each participated in different projects and research activities. Color lab appreciates their efforts and achievements, hoping to work together on the next opportunity. The individual interviews were made and summarized in the following: “I explored the emotional response to kinetic in-car…