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For your brilliant life

Invited by the Korea Society of Light and Visual Environment, Prof. Suk delivered a seminar talk, entitled as “For your brilliant life (빛나는 생활을 위하여)” to the members of the society. During her talk, some recent lighting studies of Color lab were introduced to demonstrate how we can enhance the emotional quality of everyday life….

Read more For your brilliant life

Dr.Choi’s article in Scientific Reports entitled “Awakening effects of blue-enriched morning light exposure on university students’ physiological and subjective responses” has been selected as a highlight article by the journal and selected for marketing campaigns. A video abstract was produced and uploaded to the Scientific Reports YouTube channel. An interview with Dr. Kyungah Choi was also…

Read more Color lab on Scientific Reports YouTube channel!

Reverse Calibration to Guess the Original Illuminant Presented by Taesu at CIC27

Taesu Kim, a Ph.D. student of color lab, gave an oral presentation entitled as, “Illuminant Estimation Through Reverse Calibration of an Auto White-Balanced Image That Contains Displays” at CIC27 in Paris. He proposed reverse algorithm to estimate original illuminants from automatically calibrated digital images. In particular, he used the color of smartphone display as a calibration…

Read more Reverse Calibration to Guess the Original Illuminant Presented by Taesu at CIC27

Lighting Style and Emotion by Kyeong Ah at CIC27

Kyeong Ah Jeong, a Ph.D. student of color lab made an interactive and poster presentation, entitled as “Subjective Judgments of Refrigerator Lighting by Altering Chromaticity and Placement across Age Groups” at CIC27, Paris, France. She investigated an optimal chromaticity and placement of refrigerator lighting to meet users’ preference. Eighteen lighting stimuli were provided by combining…

Read more Lighting Style and Emotion by Kyeong Ah at CIC27


Indeed, color drives an interdisciplinary collaboration. With Prof. Dr. Jongin Hong of the Department of Chemistry,  Chung-Ang University, color lab jointly published a research article entitled as, “Blue-colored dyes featuring a diketopyrrolopyrrole spacer for translucent dye-sensitized solar cells” in Dyes and Pigments. Dr. Kyungah Choi and Prof. Suk contributed to the study with contents about colorific understanding…

Read more A collaborative color study with chemists


Meereh Candice Kim, a researcher of Graduation School of Cultural Technology at KAIST delivered an invited talk about her master research(supervisor: Prof.Dr. Ji-Hyun Lee) entitled as, “Color Reproduction in Virtual Lip Makeup Using Convolutional Neural Networks”. Compared with conventional approaches such as regression models, the CNN could contribute to minimize the color difference between simulated color…

Read more An invited seminar about color reproduction in virtual lip makeup by Meereh Kim


Juhee Kim presented her recent study, entitled as “Layout Preference for Korean Movie Posters: Contextual Background or Character Dominance”, at IASDR2019, Manchester, UK. The study empirically examined the impact of movie poster attributes when the audience chooses a movie. The result shows that the preference of young generation is aligned with designers’ graphic tastes. The…

Read more Korean audience’s visual preference on movie poster design

Color lab organized the workshop entitled, “Human-Centric Lighting Design for Vehicles” at the International Association of Societies of Design Research Conference (IASDR 2019), on September 4, 2019. Led by Kyeong Ah Jeong and Dr. Kyungah Choi, the workshop invited international participants. In the workshop, participants acquired essential knowledge on lighting design considerations and experienced the process of…

Read more Lighting design workshop at IASDR2019


Kyeong ah Jeong presented her recent study, entitled as “Styling of Refrigerator Lighting by Altering its Chromaticity and Placement”, at IASDR2019, Manchester, UK. The study proposed the optimal lighting condition to elicit certain design style in refrigerator by manipulating lighting chromaticity and placement. Based on the assessments, four aspects were derived as for describing the…

Read more Color of refrigerator lighting by Kyeong Ah at IASDR2019