Giyun(기윤) joins Color Lab!
Color lab welcomes a new member, Giyun Lee. She received a Bachelor’s degree in the Industrial Design department of KAIST. Giyun has various experiences in service design, exploring both fields of mobile and physical products, related to the environment, games, lighting, communication, beauty, etc. Her research interest includes offering intuitive and enjoyable experiences throughout services,…
Boram’s Network Visualization in Chair Design: Unraveling Color-Material Harmony
Boram, a Ph.D. candidate from Color Lab, has authored a research article titled “A Color-Material Network of Chairs through Materials and Colors,” now published in the Archives of Design Research Journal. Alongside her, Gyunpyo Lee, with a Master’s degree, has contributed as a co-author. The research sheds light on the nuanced choices of Color, Material,…
Coming to the lab
Stella received her bachelor’s degree in Chemical and Biomolecular Engineering with a double major in Business and Technology Management at KAIST. She has experience in designing the UX of financial, beauty tech, and educational apps, as well as analyzing data. Stella had been an intern in Color Lab since 2020 and contributed to the ASEAN…
A car should speak as it looks.
Minjung, the Master’s student of Color Lab, has published a research article entitled “Investigating the Relationship Between Vehicle Front Images and Voice Assistant” in the Korean Society for Emotion and Sensibility. There are co-authors, Soyoung Min, an undergraduate intern, and Taesu Kim, a Ph.D. candidate. They attempted to investigate the cars’ visual appeal and the…
Byeongjin and Taesu at EI2023
Byeongjin Kim, a Ph.D. candidate in the Color Lab, had the opportunity to attend the Electronic Imaging Symposium 2023, a cutting-edge event dedicated to the latest developments in electrical imaging technology. During the conference, he had the chance to present the research entitled “Image color-based preset light matching algorithm for an electric vitrine.” Furthermore, he…
Colorlab at CES2023
Together with AmorePacific, Colorlab’s long-term client, Colorlab’s Skintone Finder Solution won the Innovation Award from the CES2023. The solution was the first and the most critical step to enable the customized matching between facial color and foundation shade. After a remarkable success in the domestic market, the solution is now embedded in the “TONEWORK” brand…
Minjung’s avatar study on investigating emotion published in CHBR
Minjung Park, a Master’s student of Color Lab, has published an article entitled “The facial expression in Memoji” in the October issue of the Journal of Computers in Human Behavior Reports(CHBR). In the study, she investigated that both human and AI recognize the facial expression of avatar inaccurately and found the existing avatar system just…
A Keynote Speech about Data Science for Color Cosmetics
Invited by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea[대한화장품학회], Professor Suk delivered a Keynote Speech entitled “When data technology is obsessed with color makeup [데이터 기술이 색조메이크업에 푹~ 빠졌을 때]” and introduced the DIKW model to accomplish the successful digital transformation of cosmetic products and services. Recent studies and achievements of Color Lab in the…
Minjung at MobileHCI 2022
Minjung’s first poster is published with the title “New Mobile Adaptation System for Better Avatar-mediated communication; Facial Expressions in Memoji” via MobileHCI 2022 poster. In addition, Minjung joined the in-person conference for the first time and had a chance to present her work during the conference in Vancouver, Canada, from Sep 27th to Oct 2st.…
Amore Pacific’s “Base Picker” to launch
Amore Pacific’s base picker based on Color Lab’s patented technology is finally launched in the Seongsu branch, Seoul. Our algorithm installed in the base picker is deliberately tailored in analyzing Korean women’s skin while providing precise and accurate skin color reading. If you dream of going out sometimes for a pleasant outing, how about going…