• Taesu at the Optica Vision and Color Summer Data Blast!

    Taesu at the Optica Vision and Color Summer Data Blast!

    Taesu was invited as a presenter at the 3rd Optica Vision and Color Summer Data Blast hosted by the color vision perception modeling division. The presentation was entitled “A method proposal for evaluating color tolerance in viewing multiple white points focusing on the vehicle instrument panels.” It presented the method and calculating equation for measuring…

  • Colorlab’s new AI-based service, “Hello My Color,” is launched

    Colorlab’s new AI-based service, “Hello My Color,” is launched

    New AI research of Colorlab is commercialized. Amore Pacific(아모레 퍼시픽)’s hair care brand, Mise-en-scène(미쟝센), introduced the patented hair dye algorithm as a customer experience solution. The algorithm was through the industry-academia collaboration between Amore Pacific and KAIST in 2021. The solution renders the after-dye hair color depending on the condition of individual customers. For a…

  • Homecoming on Teacher’s Day!

    Homecoming on Teacher’s Day!

    Color lab’s alumnae visited the lab on Teacher’s Day. All are outstanding design professionals in industries or universities worldwide. It was so wonderful to be together, and we became the “Non-Fungible Team”. Safe journey back home! We look forward to being with you again.

  • How to brand KAIST

    How to brand KAIST

    Since December 2021, Professor Suk has acted as a Creative Director of KAIST to curate the branding of KAIST. As the position was introduced for the first time in KAIST history, the mission is still evolving. Invited by the monthly seminar series, “매세월 서연”, she delivered a talk about how to communicate the brand from…

  • Taesu proposed a virtual reality-based sketching system for designing vehicle ambient lighting

    Taesu proposed a virtual reality-based sketching system for designing vehicle ambient lighting

    Taesu Kim, a Ph.D. candidate in the Color lab has published an article entitled, “Sketching in-vehicle ambient lighting in virtual reality with the Wizard-of-Oz method” in Digital Creativity. This study proposed a virtual reality-supported lighting sketching system for in-vehicle ambient lighting. He conducted six design workshops for investigating the effect of virtual reality while sketching…

  • Byeonjin won the best paper presentation. Congrats!

    Byeonjin won the best paper presentation. Congrats!

    Byeongjin received the best paper presentation award from the 2021 Fall Conference of Korea Society of Color Studies. The award-winning article was entitled, “Optimal Luminance for Television Viewing in the Dark Room[어두운 환경에서 TV 시청 시의 적정 휘도 탐색]”, which investigated users’ visual comfort when watching the television in a dark. Taesu participated in the…

  • Taesu won Robert W G Hunt Poster Awards from AIC 2021

    Taesu won Robert W G Hunt Poster Awards from AIC 2021

    Taesu Kim received the Robert W G Hunt Poster Award from AIC 2021, held in Milan. Taesu is a Ph.D. student in the Color lab and made a poster presentation entitled “EEG responses to in-car dynamic cluster light” at AIC 2021. The study investigated the drivers’ effect on cluster indirect lighting under a combination of…

  • Minjung(민정) joins Color Lab!

    Minjung(민정) joins Color Lab!

    Color lab welcomes a new member, Minjung Park. She recently received a Bachelor of Science from the industrial design of KAIST. Additionally, she minored in Business Technology Management. She participated in a series of design projects including OTT design, service platform, subscription manage service, fintech system and more.  Currently, her research interest includes users’ emotional…

  • Dr.Yan, the first international Ph.D. from Color Lab

    Dr.Yan, the first international Ph.D. from Color Lab

    Yuchun Yan completed her Ph.D. in Industrial Design with the dissertation entitled as “Digital Transformation for Color Cosmetics: from Products to Services” [색조화장품의 디지털 전환: 제품부터 서비스까지], which emphasized the role of design research in satisfying the needs of digital transformation concerning color cosmetics as a specific example. The dissertation includes not only scientific research…

  • Congrats! Qinyue and Aigerim are Masters of Science!

    Congrats! Qinyue and Aigerim are Masters of Science!

    Qinyue and Aigerim received their Master’s degrees after two years of hard-working. Their theses are entitled, “Bubble Coloring to Visualize Speech Emotion in Voice Messaging [음성 메시지의 감성 시각화를 위한 말풍선 색채 적용]” and “Product style assessment in various interiors using Virtual Reality”. In Qinyue’s thesis, she proposed the concept of visualizing the emotion in…

  • Prof.Suk received the Lee Soo-Young Award

    Prof.Suk received the Lee Soo-Young Award

    As a recipient of the 2021 Lee Soo-Young’s Award for Innovative Education, Professor Suk delivered a speech about Education 4.0Q initiated by the KAIST Center for Excellence in Learning and Teaching(CELT). Since 2012, she has participated in active learning programs, including the Coursera MOOC. She shared her experiences and thoughts about paradigm leading university education…

  • Amore Pacific’s “Base Picker” to launch

    Amore Pacific’s “Base Picker” to launch

    Amore Pacific’s base picker based on Color Lab’s patented technology is finally launched in the Seongsu branch, Seoul. Our algorithm installed in the base picker is deliberately tailored in analyzing Korean women’s skin while providing precise and accurate skin color reading. If you dream of going out sometimes for a pleasant outing, how about going…