Professor Suk published a book, “Theories and Applications of Light(빛의 공학)” from the publisher, Sciencebooks. Professor Chulhee Choi from the Department of Brain & Bio Engineering and Professor YongKeun Park from the Department of Physics are the other co-authors. This book was soon acknowledged by the National Academy of Science’s Distinguished Scholarly Books for its…

Read more A new book by Prof.Suk

Jeongmin Lee and Kyungah Choi published a research paper entitled “Empirical Evaluation of User-Centered LED Lighting in Residential Bathrooms” in the Korean Journal of Science of Emotion & Sensibility. This study investigates how people have responded to the different quality of LED lighting in context of residential bathroom and therey provides the empirical results to serve…

Read more A bathroom lighting study by J.Lee

Finally professor Suk finished the first version of the course textbook and distributed to students. The book is written in Korean and therefore should help Korean students to catch up the course more easily. However, she plans to publish the second version soon targeting not only her students of the ID502 class but also outside of…

Read more A textbook by Prof.Suk

In this semester, the ID502 class is incorporated with the Education 3.0 that promotes an interactive discussion in a class rather than lecturer’s talking to students. According to the new system, professor Suk will offer video lectures ahead of the course day, and each student can find their convenient time to watch the videos. Often students have different educational background, and the Education 3.0 enables…

Read more Education 3.0 for ID502

Professor Suk published a book chapter entitled “Lighting for Well Being(pp.78-83)” of a book, “Living+ – for better living environments” published in Helsinki, Finland by Aalto ARTS Books(ISBN: 978-952-60-5100-0). The editors are , K. Kinnunen, K. Kivela, and S. Tyyri-Pohjonen. The chapter addresses the relevance of lighting quality to the well-being of everyday life, and introduces…

Read more A book chapter by Prof.Suk

Nooree Na received her Master of Science with a thesis entitled, “Invetigation of the Emotional Characteristics of White for Product Color Design Application”. Also her thesis was awarded with the Best Thesis Award. Congratulations on your all achievements! Nooree’s Master Thesis


On behalf of Prof.Suk, Jeongmin Lee and Nooree Na attended the IEEE International Conference on Consumer Electronics(IEEE-ICCE) 2013 to make an oral presentation entitled as “A color scenario of Eco & Healthy Driving for the interface display of climate control device using RGB LED”. She proposes an “Eco & healthy driving” through color information displayed…

Read more An eco & healthy driving with a colorful display proposed by Prof.Suk

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Geun-Ly Park, a master candidate of CED Lab published an article entitled as “Development of Color Flavor Scale, the database of gustative experience through colour” in the Design Archive, formally called Korean Journal of Design Studies. A senior scientist of the Korea Food Research Institute, Dr.Yoon-Sook Kim co-authored the paper. This study proposes a “Color…

Read more Color Flavor Scale introduced by G.Park


Professor Suk has launched a new course, “Light, Color, and Life (빛, 생명, 그리고 색채)” jointly with professor Chulhee Choi from the Department of Brain and Bio Engineering and professor Yongkeun Park from the Department of Physics. This course was initiated by these three people who had a great interest in light, but in a…

Read more Course created and opened!


Eunsol Lee’s article entitled “The Emotional Response to Hue of Lighting Focusing on Relaxation and Attention [조명 색상에 대한 사용자 감성 평가 연구- 휴식 및 집중 상황을 중심으로]” in Design Archives, formally the Korean Journal of Design Studies. This study investigates how the colour of lighting affects people when they are relaxing or paying attention to…

Read more The effect of hue of lighting on humans investigated by E.Lee