
Taesu Kim won an award from a domestic design conference. Taesu is an undergraduate intern of Color Lab and presented about his undergraduate research program(URP) on the 2017 Spring DSUS(Design Seminar on University Students) held in Seoul, Korea. In presentation, he proposed package design toolkit “t.package” through a thorough investigation of the gustative experience taste affected…

Read more Taesu won an award in 2017 Spring DSUS

Kyungah Choi and Prof. Suk were invited to a special talk about the flipped learning by Korea Aerospace University [한국항공대학교]. In the seminar, professor shared her teaching experiences describing the course flow, class contents, and some know-hows. Then Kyungah followed the talk and introduced the roles and duties of the teaching assistant(TA) of the flipped…

Read more About the flipped learning, invited by Korea Aerospace University


Prof. Suk gave a three-hour lecture at KBS academy [KBS 인재개발원] about the affective effect of light. Under the title of “feeling of light [빛을 느끼다]”, the lecture consisted of two parts: psychophysics of light and aesthetics of light. The audience was from mainly engineering domain related with stage light or camera.

EunJin Kim, the Ph.D. candidate of Color lab. published an article entitled “Image color adjustment for harmony with a target color” in Color Research & Application. Based on the insights from designers, the study developed an image color adjustment algorithm to achieve harmony between an image and a target color. The algorithm adjusts hue of…

Read more How to adjust an image to achieve harmony with a color, investigated by EunJin

Hyunjoo Bee received her master degree with a dissertation entitled, “Material Reconfiguration for Visual Exploration and Product Design Alternatives [재질 재배치에 기반한 제품 디자인 대안의 시각적 탐색]”. The study began with a simple but novel research question, “what about rearranging the materials before confirming the design?” Surprisingly, she found out that many of us are…

Read more Hyunjoo is now a master of science in design

Prof. Suk delivered a talk invited by the Optical Society of Korea(OSK) to the special session, ‘color science’, for the optical science community. She introduced the affective effect of color particularly focusing on how people emotionally respond to the color properties. In the session, two more speakers were invited: Dr. Jisoo Hwang from the KRISS…

Read more An invited talk of Prof. Suk by the Optical Society of Korea(OSK)

Dr. Jungmin Han and Prof. Suk presented a work entitled, “Comparison of Visual Discomfort and Visual Fatigue between Head-Mounted Display and Smartphone” at the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2017) in Burlingame, California. The study provides evidence that HMD causes more dry eye symptoms compared to smartphones. In the study, clinical data are…

Read more To Watch or Not To Watch? VR in HMD or in Smartphone


A summary of Hyunjoo’s mater thesis is published in the Archives of Design Research (AoDR). In the article, she investigated and demonstrated that material reconfiguration could be facilitated as an easy but effective way of visually exploring design alternatives. Besides interesting implications are included, for example, how many material alternatives designers usually try until they confirm the…

Read more Hyunjoo’s material reconfiguration study is now in AoDR

Kyungah Choi delivered a poster presentation entitled, “The human sclera and pupil as the calibration targets” at the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2017) in Burlingame, California. The study examined the human sclera and the pupil as calibration targets for digital images to estimate human skin. Based on this assumption, a new color…

Read more Central facial region for finding real skin color by Kyungah

Kyungah Choi presented a work entitled, “Skin-representative region in a face for finding real skin color” at the IS&T International Symposium on Electronic Imaging (EI 2017) in Burlingame, California. The study suggests an algorithm for finding one’s skin region based on the primary calculation of the center region of the face for accurate detection and reduced…

Read more Central facial region for finding real skin color by Kyungah