
Jeongmin Lee presented an extended abstract entitled, “PicLight: User-Centered Lighting Control Interface for Residential Space” on the 33rd Annual ACM Conference on Human Factors in Computing Systems (CHI 2015) in Seoul, South Korea. Kyungah Choi has co-authored the paper. Their study aims to develop PicLight, a user-centered lighting control interface based on the behavior of…

Read more PicLight at CHI2015! Presented by Jeongmin


Mouzip® is now launched! Mouzip is a new way of disposing dead bodies of animals after experiments. This device consists of a package made of foldable and stiff material and a fold-out drape, which is fastened to the package. By using Mouzip, it is possible to conduct an experiment hygienically and professionally. Mouzip is a…

Read more MOUZIP® designed by CED Lab.


Recent lighting studies by CED Lab. are introduced in the special section about color of a monthly magazine, “Dong-A Science[과학동아]”. Among the works, the research topics such as the school lighting, food color, emotional chromatic lighting, and paradoxical use of color are included. Since the magazine targets teenagers interested in science, CED expects to have opportunities…

Read more CED’s lighting studies in the press


In Spring semester 2015, Professor Suk reshaped the ID211 Two-Dimensional Design in the format of the Education 3.0, in that lectures are delivered through VODs. After having expreinced in her other classes, she is convinced that a tutorial based studio course will also get benefits from the video lecture. In video lecture, the project brief is…

Read more Design studio course by Edu 3.0


Prof.Suk won the grand prize for creative teaching in the commemoration of the 44th anniversary of founding in 2015. The award winning class is the ED200, “Light, Color, and Life [빛, 생명, 그리고 색채]” co-lectured by Prof.Chulhee Choi of the Department of Brain and Bio Engineering and Prof.YongKeun Park of the Department of Physics. The course is a unique…

Read more Won the grand prize for creative teaching!

Nooree Na, a Ph.D. candidate of CED lab was selected as an “Excellent researcher of BrainKorea21Plus in 2014 [BK플러스사업 우수인력]” from the Ministry of Education. She has been published three SCI/ SSCI journals related to her master’s and doctoral thesis topics, as well as presented her research more than 10 times at diverse international and…

Read more Nooree won the Excellence award of BK21 Plus. Congrats!

On the IS&T SPIE Electronic Imaging conference (EI 2015), Kyungah Choi presented her recent cross-cultural study between Asians and Europeans with regard to the preference for CCT of mobile displays. For the user test, she recruited 20 west Europeans and 30 Koreans and ask them to assess their preference for the various white balances under…

Read more It’s no more rumor! Bluish for Asians, yellowish for Europeans, investigated by K.Choi

Nooree Na presented her recent work entitled, “Do Curved Displays Make for a More Pleasant Experience?” on IS&T SPIE Electronic Imaging conference (EI2015) in San Francisco. Kyeongah Jeong has co-authored the paper. Their study describes how they conducted a usability test to exploit the ideal curvature radius for monitor displays in office environment. The paper…

Read more Optimal radius for monitor screen found by N.Na


CED lab has welcomed two new internship members, Jisung Yoo and Suah Han. Jisung Yoo is a junior who majors in Material Science and Engineering in POSTECH(Pohang University of Science and Technology). He seeks to research about human emotion in relation to display and illumination. Also he sees that participating and helping on researches for 6…

Read more CED welcomes two internship members