Is “Hi… Kia…” sufficient to express sad mood? Yes. Deep learning driven investigation by Youngwoo and Taesu

Is “Hi… Kia…” sufficient to express sad mood? Yes. Deep learning driven investigation by Youngwoo and Taesu

Youngwoo Kim, an undergraduate intern has presented a paper entitled, “Hi, Kia, HI… Kia…, HI, KIA!” at the 2020 Fall Conference of Korea Society for Emotion and Sensibility. This study investigated the affective quality from the Wake-Up Words(WUW) in a passenger car. Having collaborated with Kia Design Center, Color lab has carried out a series of experiments that involved voice collection, data acquisition, and analysis with a deep learning algorithm. The study facilitated the BLSTM method based on the training with “EmoDB” dataset. The result demonstrated the potential of WUW for the in-car AI system to catch the passenger’s mood. Taesu Kim was the co-author and delivered an oral presentation.




