Dr.Jeong’s article about the optimal light uniformity in a refrigerator

Dr.Jeong’s article about the optimal light uniformity in a refrigerator

Dr.Jeong’s research article on optimal uniformity is published in Color Research and Application. During her Ph.D. program, she has participated in a series of projects with LG electronics regarding the design quality of cavity lighting, and the refrigerator was the first product she was in full responsibility for the experiments. As a part of the project, the article reports about the minimum level of uniformity that consumers perceived as almost perfect. For the empirical study, she facilitated her “c.light”, a light prototyping tool to generate various light conditions quickly. Miss Chanyang You joined the authors as her knowledge contribution from industry practice was highly appreciated. Color lab values this achievement particularly important, because we pursue a synergy with our industry partner to result in not only practically useful outcomes but also academically meaningful records.


In this study, we investigated optimal refrigerator lighting uniformity for comfortable use without distorting the perceived lighting quality. In the experiment, two experimental conditions were created by considering the presence of stored items. In each condition, twelve luminance uniformity levels were provided for an actual refrigerator. A total of 33 women participated and assessed lighting stimuli to judge the perceptibility and acceptability of the refrigerator lighting at the various uniformity levels. The experimental results showed that stored items affected the acceptability and perception of luminance uniformity. Based on the results for the two conditions, at least 71% luminance uniformity is recommended as acceptable and 80% luminance uniformity is recommended as homogeneous for refrigerator lighting. Expanding this study to diverse product categories could produce additional empirical findings that enable designers to choose and place lighting properties more efficiently and successfully.

Jeong, KA, You, C, Suk, H‐J. Preference for luminance uniformity of refrigerator lighting. Color Res Appl. 2020; 1– 9. https://doi.org/10.1002/col.22571.




