The first machine learning study applied to design practice by Juhee

The first machine learning study applied to design practice by Juhee

Juhee Kim, the master student of Color Lab has published an article entitled, “Prediction of the Emotion Responses to Poster Designs based on Graphical Features: A Machine learning-driven Approach” in Archives of Design Research. As a part of her master thesis, the article adopted computational algorithm modeling of machine learning to predict people’s emotional judgment of poster designs. Admitting that people change their mind over time, the study considers the human repeatability as the target accuracy. In this way, this study successfully demonstrated how design research can adequately utilize AI technology while understanding the nature of the design.

Kim, J., & Suk, H. -J. (2020). Prediction of the Emotion Responses to Poster Designs based on Graphical Features: A Machine learning-driven Approach. Archives of Design Research, 33(2), 39-55.

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