Two-Dimensional Design

This course aims to build up an understanding of the fundamentals of visual communication. It includes lecture and practice on human perception, principles of visual grammar, color theory, and pattern development. Students carry out three major projects and participate in the related exercises in classes.


Kyeong Ah Jeong, a Master course student of Color lab presented her Teaching Assistant(TA) experience at the Education 3.0 TA Orientation. The Edu 3.0 is a student-centric method of learning and teaching in a smart environment, and Kyeong Ah acted as the TA of Two-dimensional design courses in Spring 2014. Based on students’ assessments, she…

Read more Kyeong Ah shared her experience as (the best) T.A. of Education 3.0


In Spring semester 2015, Professor Suk reshaped the ID211 Two-Dimensional Design in the format of the Education 3.0, in that lectures are delivered through VODs. After having expreinced in her other classes, she is convinced that a tutorial based studio course will also get benefits from the video lecture. In video lecture, the project brief is…

Read more Design studio course by Edu 3.0

The second project, “Design Creatures” of the ID202 Two-dimensional Design course launched the design collection 2014. The exhibition was opened at a Book Cafe of the KAIST Science Library and will last for following 6 weeks. During the exhibition, students’ design works will be displayed and sold. Design Creatues is an ambiguous word addressing both “designing a creature” and…

Read more Design Creatures 2014