Exploring Color Changes of Facial Skin After Makeup
Boram, the Ph.D. candidate of Color Lab, has published a research article, entitled “Method and analysis of color changes of facial skin after applying skin makeup” as the first author in the Vision Research Journal. This collaborative study, conducted with Cosmax, focused on quantitatively analyzing skin color changes before and after makeup in Shanghai, China.…
A Keynote Speech about Data Science for Color Cosmetics
Invited by the Society of Cosmetic Scientists of Korea[대한화장품학회], Professor Suk delivered a Keynote Speech entitled “When data technology is obsessed with color makeup [데이터 기술이 색조메이크업에 푹~ 빠졌을 때]” and introduced the DIKW model to accomplish the successful digital transformation of cosmetic products and services. Recent studies and achievements of Color Lab in the…