• Best poster presentation award to Taesoo at KOSES Spring conference

    Taesoo Kim, a junior student of industrial design at KAIST, presented a poster about his recent individual research project(advisor : Prof.Hyeon-Jeong Suk) entitled, “Effects on how turbidity of drinks influence recognizing sense of taste by visual [탁도가 음료의 미각적 특징을 시각적으로 인지하는데 미치는 영향]” on the 2016 Spring Conference of Korea Society for Emotion and…

  • Now at KOOC: KAIST Open Online Course

    One of the Prof.Suk’s courses, “Light, Life, and Color [빛, 생명, 그리고 색채]” is now open to everybody. As of this April, KAIST offers online courses called, “KOOC(KAIST Online Open Course)” that is open to anyone who subscribe at http://kooc.kaist.ac.kr. As one of the five courses, her “Light, Life, and Color” is included in the first launch. The course will run for…

  • Dr.Na, the first Ph.D. from Color Lab!

    Congratulations! Nooree Na received her Ph.D. degree. She earned her doctorate after three years of hard work. During her Ph.D. course, she has published at least 6 articles in SCI(E) journals and 12 full papers at internationally renowned counferences. Her achievements are indeed record-breaking in Department of Industrial Design, KAIST. As of March 2016, she starts her first…

  • Congrats! Kyeongah, a Master of Science now!

    Kyeong Ah Jeong is now a master of science! She submitted the thesis, entitled “Making Video Playback and its Emotional Effect”, and an online-based service tool, “JockeyTime” is now launched at jockeytime.kaist.ac.kr. As of March 2016, she continues her research on the affective effect of playback design of moving images as a Ph.D. candidate. Master thesis…

  • Sharing the experience of “Flipped-learning” on the UST’s booklet

    University of Science and Technology(UST) published Prof.Suk’s article about her recent experience of the “Flipped-learning” on a booklet. This has been a while since KAIST has encouraged and supported the courses taught in that format of “Education 3.0”. The Education 3.0 is a different name of the “Flipped-learning”, as KAIST attempted to initiate a new way of unversity…

  • Congrats! Mouzip® won the Chicago Athenaeum GOOD DESIGN!

    Mouzip® is conferred GOOD DESIGN 2015 by The Chicago Athenaeum Museum of Architecture and Design. Since 1930, the Chicago Athenaeum has presented the GOOD DESIGN Awards Program for the most innovative and cutting-edge industrial, product, and graphic designs produced around the world. Mouzip® belongs to the category of Graphics/Packaging design, and we expect Mouzip® to achieve wider recognition…

  • A lunch talk about the “Flipped-learning”

    Invited by the KAIST Education Innovation Center, Prof. Suk delivered a lunch talk about her experience with the “Flipped-learning” that she started in 2012. In the meantime, all courses taught by her are run in the form of flipped-learning facilitated by the KAIST Education 3.0 system. Her talk was followed after previous two excellent but at…

  • How to highlight the designers’ research?

    Perhaps it is the question asked not only by designers but also anyone who are not familiar with dealing numbers, or who are not trained to transform the concepts into numerical quantity. Based on the years of experience of teaching the “Research Methdology”, Prof. Suk was invited by Hongik University to an annual forum to…

  • Won a New Research Grant funded by the National Research Foundation

    Color lab will carry out a research project entitled “A visual environment system for Smart Classroom through the optimal scenarios among lighting, VDTs, and learning styles [스마트 교실을 위한 시각 환경 시스템: 조명-디스플레이-학습유형의 최적화 시나리오 개발 및 검증]” in the framework of the Female Scientist Researcher Program funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF).…

  • Congrats! Mouzip® won a Korean Good Design award.

    Mouzip® was selected as one of the “Good Design 2015 [2015 우수 디자인]” Selection given from the Korea Institute of Design Promotion (KIDP). Since 1985, GD (Good Design) Selection has acknowledged the excellence of design of commercialized industrial products. This year, under the category of the Industrial Packaging, Mouzip® is one of the two winners.

  • A color talk by Prof.Suk

    As the “Year of Light”, the KAOS Science Consert has offered a series of talks about the light since September 2015. As the 10th speaker, Professor Suk was invited to introduce the color related issues. Her talk was entitled as “빛, 색을 밝히다”, which can imply different explanations, just like the nature of color. This talk…

  • An award winning work of Nooree about the optimal RGB ratios of display

    Nooree Na, a Ph.D. student of Color lab presented a poster about her recent study entitled, “Optimal RGB ratio for Nighttime Smartphone Users” on International Conference on Emotion and Sensibility 2015 held in Jeju, Korea. This study suggests the optimal RGB ratios for a display toward a more comfortable use of smartphones particularly under low illuminance,…