Color lab will carry out a research project entitled “A visual environment system for Smart Classroom through the optimal scenarios among lighting, VDTs, and learning styles [스마트 교실을 위한 시각 환경 시스템: 조명-디스플레이-학습유형의 최적화 시나리오 개발 및 검증]” in the framework of the Female Scientist Researcher Program funded by the National Research Foundation of Korea (NRF). The project attempts to develop an integrated system for facilitating VDTs (luminance and chromaticity) and lightings (illuminance and chromaticity) in smart classroom by taking various external variables, such as demographic information, educational contents, and daylight, into consideration. The project will be funded for the next 3 years during which we’ll conduct a series of empirical studies and verify the proposed system in situations.
Won a New Research Grant funded by the National Research Foundation