Color exhibition in Savina Museum by Sung-Wook

Sung-Wook Ju, a master student of Color Lab(led by Prof. Hyeon-Jeong Suk), displays two of his color works at the Savina Museum. The Savina Museum is a private contemporary art museum of South Korea, located in Anguk-dong, Jongno-gu, Seoul. The exhibition includes various genres of modern arts related with color and light. Sung-Wook presents two items: <Dinner table in the opposite colors> and <Color Fan>.

The dinner table offers paradoxical experience when people viewing daily food colored in the opposite way, such as egg in blue or Ketchup in green.

The other work, <Color fan>, demonstrates how the additive color mixture is resulted. A total of nine fans are programmed and operated to help people understand the principle of additive color mixture.

The exhibition runs for 7.29 ~ 10.23.

More information at NAVER CAST



