Korean consumers’ tolerance for colored paper, investigated by Prof.Suk

circle-cedlogo-verylightgrayProfessor Suk published an article entitled “Consumer’s Tolerance of Paper Colors-Focusing on the Influence of Environmental Attitude-[소비자의 종이색 허용범위에 관한 연구-친환경 의식이 종이색 허용범위에 미치는 영향을 중심으로]” in the Journal of Korea Society of Color Studies. The study investigated the consumers’ tolerance of accepting colored paper. From the user survey thresholds were defined depending on the intention, usage or recycled status. In this study Korean consumers participated and later, she collaborated with Japanese research team led by Professor Dr. Tetsuya Sato at Kyoto Institute of Technology. The collaboration resulted another research paper published in the Color Research & Application.


In this study, the consumers’ tolerance of accepting colored paper was investigated in order to find out how much influence environmental attitude has on color tolerance. Surveys were conducted that asked about the border colors the participants could tolerate as colors of paper dichotomously varied by three contextual variables, such as intention (purchase versus use), usage (office paper versus notebook paper), and recycled status (not informed versus informed). For color stimuli, 266 samples were collected and displayed in A2 size panel. Based on the participants’ assessments, four trends were identified in terms of hue category, intention, usage, and recycled status. For the second part of the study, the participants’ environmental attitudes were assessed by facilitating EAI-24. The individual’s attitude toward environment was quantified in aspects of Preservation and Utilization. However, neither qualitative nor quantitative analyses provided any evidence to support our hypothesis that the attitude toward environment would affect consumers’ tolerance of paper colors.

Full text in the Journal of Korean Society of Color Studies



