Yuchun Yan completed her Ph.D. in Industrial Design with the dissertation entitled as “Digital Transformation for Color Cosmetics: from Products to Services” [색조화장품의 디지털 전환: 제품부터 서비스까지], which emphasized the role of design research in satisfying the needs of digital transformation concerning color cosmetics as a specific example. The dissertation includes not only scientific research related to color science for the products but also practical trials for services supported with diverse technologies to offer completely new experiences to customers. Especially, a part of the research outcome has been launched as a customized foundation recommendation service, named “Base Picker” by Amore Pacific in Amore Seongsu, Aritaum Mall, and Etude House. As of the upcoming October, she will continue her life in South Korea and start her professional career as a planner for ads creative platform in Line Plus. Congratulations!