You are browsing the site archives for 2012.

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Geun-Ly Park, a master candidate of CED Lab published an article entitled as “Development of Color Flavor Scale, the database of gustative experience through colour” in the Design Archive, formally called Korean Journal of Design Studies. A senior scientist of the Korea Food Research Institute, Dr.Yoon-Sook Kim co-authored the paper. This study proposes a “Color…

Read more Color Flavor Scale introduced by G.Park


Professor Suk has launched a new course, “Light, Color, and Life (빛, 생명, 그리고 색채)” jointly with professor Chulhee Choi from the Department of Brain and Bio Engineering and professor Yongkeun Park from the Department of Physics. This course was initiated by these three people who had a great interest in light, but in a…

Read more Course created and opened!


Eunsol Lee’s article entitled “The Emotional Response to Hue of Lighting Focusing on Relaxation and Attention [조명 색상에 대한 사용자 감성 평가 연구- 휴식 및 집중 상황을 중심으로]” in Design Archives, formally the Korean Journal of Design Studies. This study investigates how the colour of lighting affects people when they are relaxing or paying attention to…

Read more The effect of hue of lighting on humans investigated by E.Lee

Nooree Na, a master candidate published an article entitled as “Investigation of the Emotional Characteristics of White for Designing White Based Product [백색 제품 디자인을 위한 감성적 특성 연구]” in the Journal of Korean Society of Emotion and Sensibility. This study revealed different emotional characteristics of various white nuances, and quantitative solutions were the outcomes. Designers…

Read more White study for product design by N.Na

Professor Hyeon-Jeong Suk published an article entitled as “Bon Appetit! An Investigation about Color Combination Between Food and Lighting” in Journal of Literature and  Art Studies, and Geun-Ly Park, a master candidate of CED Lab. and Dr.Yoon-Sook Kim from the Korean Food Research Institute are the co-authors. This study investigates the effect of chromatic quality…

Read more Bon appetit lighting! By Prof.Suk

The KBS Science Cafe[과학카페] team visited CED Lab to consult our expertise on colour and food study. CED Lab carried out a survey to present the taste association from viewing a colour is highly culture dependent. Five cultural groups demonstrated and each explains what were the key references. Professor Suk commented that there is a certain…

Read more CED Lab on KBS Science Cafe


Professor Suk authored an article entitled, “Context Information Representation Applying Light Attributes -Representation of Abstracted Context Information Using LED [빛의 표현 요소를 활용한 정보 표현에 관한 연구- LED를 이용한 추상적 상황 정보 표현] in Design Archive(previously the Korean Journal of Design Studies). The article is mainly based on the master thesis of Bitna Baek, the…

Read more Context information expressed with light, investigated by B.Baek